Qiushan Valley is one of the strongest wine districts in China.
To the east, the Qiushan reservoir moderates the extreme local temperatures.
To the north, Mount Qiushan blocks the harsh winter winds.
To the west are rolling hills that form a natural barrier against strong winds, while allowing gentle sea breezes to pass through.
Four Core Wine Regions of Penglai:
"One Belt and Three Valleys"
Four Core Wine Regions of Penglai: "One Belt and Three Valleys"
Annual sunlight of 2511.4 hours
Annual frost-free period of 216 days
Average Annual Precipitation 683.9mm
Average annual temperature of 12.8°C
July average temperature of 24.8°C and
January average temperature of -1.8°C
Altitude and growing season
1622 hours of sunlight during the grape growing season
(mid-april to early october)
Elevation ranges from 10-80 meters above sea level
Precipitation during grape growing season is 583.5mm, accounting for 85.3% of the annual precipitation
Diurnal range (temperature difference between day
and night) is greater than 10°C
Latitude & Soil
Latitude 37°25' - 37°50'
The topography is dominated by low hills
Te soild consists mainly of sand and gravel
Shallow Root
Sandy Loam Layer:
High organic content,
loose porosity,
good permeability.
Middle Root
Loam Layer:
Compact texture, poor
aeration and water
permeability; through
deep ploughing there is
increased material energy
transfer with the
subsoil layer.
Deep Root
Subsoil Layer:
Deep ploughing before
planting breaks the
subsurface soil, which
helps the root system
obtain more water and
fertilizer needed for the
growth of the grapes.
Soil Structure
There is a noticeable variation in soil type within
the Valley. Those areas of silt loam have higher
organic matter and a correspondingly higher
level of nutrient availability, which makes
them more fertile.
Soil Characteristics
As a result, Mystic Vineyard is divided
into terraces that exploit the differences
in the Valley's soils. The varied soils
create unique parcels of fruit with different
characteristics that add complexity to the
resulting wines.
Vineyard Size: 16.16 hectares (242.37 mu)
currently planted: 11.6 hectares (174 mu)
Planting Plan: 191 plots of terrace on gentle, rolling hills
Organization: 2m between rows, 1m between vines
Orientation: the vine spacings were designed to maximize air flow and sunlight
Grape Varieties
Cabernet Franc
Cabernet Sauvignon
Petit Verdot
Vineyard Planting Distribution Map
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Franc
Petit Verdot
Vineyard Planting Distribution Map
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Franc
Petit Verdot
Vineyard Planting Distribution Map
Cabernet Sauvignon
Cabernet Franc
Petit Verdot
Recognized as a High-Quality
Demonstration Vineyard
Mystic Winery values
environmental protection.
We respect ecological nature and
minimize mechanical intervention.